Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae: 02 – Pain is Pleasure.

Actual OP: Tsukihana by Nana Kitade – Well, the animation is definitely better than what is shown on the first episode and I’m starting to get used to the song and I’m liking it, though the previous two are just better.


Episode 02: Caged Bird

The episode continues on from what is left out on episode one. Yuzuki and Akie were talking about Itsuka’s sudden transfer and Tange’s disappearance. Yuzuki got a weird feeling again and goes home, leaving Akie. Akie’s other friends show up after that.

When Yuzuki is on her way to her apartment, she saw an acquaintance, Akira, running past her. Akira is heading towards the electric shop to buy something. Besides from buying, he also a regular there for he always have his eyes on the shopkeeper, Mitsuko, a middle-aged woman. Upon purchase, Akira quickly left when a scary-looking man arrives.


When Akira observes inside of a warehouse, he witnesses Mitsuko being punished by that man. Akira misinterprets it because the truth is, Mitsuko is a masochist, and she loves being punished. That night, Akira accesed Hotline to Hell but he realized that he doesn’t know the name of the name. Yuzuki then woke up because she saw a vision of Akira, which worries her. The next day, Akira finally knew that the man’s name is Seiji, upon hearing a phone call from Mitsuko at the shop.


At school, Yuzuki had been pranked by her classmates by receiving a fake straw doll from the Hotline to Hell. Yuzuki thought that it shouldn’t be taken as a joke and runs away. LOL when Akie bashes off the guys and said “Ippen Shinde Miru!!!” at them XD…


That night, Akira witnessed another torturing of Mitsuko by Seiji and finally got full of it. He finally accessed the Hotline to Hell and typed in Seiji’s name. Wanyuudo is the doll of the week and Ai sealed the conversation soccer-style. Yuzuki then gets a vision of that which worried her more.


Ai’s Anime-NTM post show photo of the week – Soccer Hell Girl.


On the next day, Yuzuki is approached by Akira and asks for some help regarding his situation. Yuzuki then said that he should leave them alone, since there are many forms of love. Meanwhile, Ai’s apprentices are wondering why Yuzuki is being used by Ai. Yamawaro said that it’s easier to move in a human’s body than a butterfly’s and Ren added that Yuzuki was just a random person that was picked personally by Ai.


Akira again visits the shop only to check out Mitsuko. He saw her damaged wrist and got worried. He then released his feelings by confessing to her, and suggesting that they should run away.  Seiji appeared and began attacking him and Mitsuko. When Mitsuko is being violently choked by Seiji, Akira found the straw doll and pulled it…





Electricity from a nose makes your hair blower 10x more faster when drying up your hair.




The family that eats together, plays video games together, and consumes a LOT of electricity together… stays on electric bill debts.


Lol do they really have to focus the camera on her big butt?!


“I’m still a virgin!!!”


“Okay! One, Two…”





The family that uses massage chairs together, stays forever.


Extra fangirling shot(s) of Ren and Enma Ai


Ready your butt again boy, it’s not yet over!




Ippen, Shinde Miru?


Remember people! We should not waste electricity! ^_^



Enma Ai ferries Seiji into hell and only Seiji can say is that it is only for Mitsuko’s sake. Back at Earth (lol, Earth XDD)… ehem… Akira assured Mitsuko that everything’s gonna be fine but Mitsuko only told him to go home. Akira went back again tomorrow but Mitsuko is now gone. He saw a happy portrait of Mitsuko and Seiji and then a familiar sound of the phone ringing was heard.

Kan chats…

Lol is it just the show or am I fabulously motivated to blog up today because of the win from the United Nations program at our school? I just loved the first two seasons and I’m excited for this one at first. So far it didn’t disappointed me at all! Yuzuki would probably be the main focus of the series, and I guess that the people around her would be either a client or a victim of Enma Ai though I have yet no idea on what is her connection with the Hell Girl yet even after Ren, Yamawaro and Honne Onna alking about that.

For this episode, I don’t know if they really put up intentional fan service in here but it cracked me up. From the OP to the popsicle-licking at the start to the torture scene, even on some camera focuses. Anyway, the young client falling in love with a middle-aged woman and lusting after her was awkward though. Akira was stupid though, he could’ve just called the cops instead of wasting his life with the Jigoku Tsuushin. The story was kinda over-the-top but I guess it can happen in reality too, which was scary. The truth behind it all was not discussed either, whether is Mitsuko and Seiji were just enjoying both of themselves when they do it.

By the way, if they keep repeating Yuzuki’s scene with that embryo thing and flowery background, it can be boring because that sequence is kinda long though… And it reminds me of a f*cking overly-used Mahou Shoujo cliche. As for the punishment scene of the week, it is hilarious and entertaining. Lol when Honne plugged it unto his nose and Ai plugged a big one on his butt the second time XD…

I really wonder why the show’s getting not much love 😦


The next episode shows something about popstar-dom though, and the girl who seems to have a grudge looks like one of Yuzuki’s acquaintances as well (see the girl in the red bikini)… And for some random question, if Ranka and Sheryl get into a world with a Hotline to Hell (including their raging fans), who would go to hell first XD?

P.S. – Woot!!! I got around 80 screenshots!!!

5 Responses to “Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae: 02 – Pain is Pleasure.”

  1. 1 Kitsune October 16, 2008 at 12:08 am

    Omg… What the hell did they do with the poor guy?! >:|

    It looks like this anime is quite violent…

  2. 2 kanzeon October 16, 2008 at 12:46 pm

    @Kitsune: The scene was not really violent at all, they just did the punishment in a comedic manner ^_^.

  3. 3 Maire October 17, 2008 at 5:04 pm

    Sadly I bought the second season at a anime convention, that orginally from Japan and I haven’t watched it yet,but when I do watch that then I can watch the thrid season,but I agree this show is interesting and awesome.

  4. 4 kanzeon October 18, 2008 at 12:29 pm

    @Maire: Yup. The premise is really good and it’s quite popular everywhere. The second season was also good but it’s ending isn’t explained yet in the third season.

  5. 5 Michimo Yuuka August 22, 2009 at 7:55 am

    I love the anime!!!

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